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Pen, Paper, Coffee

a blog by Jennifer Riales

The Longest Lasting Sugar Rush

I've never been one to make a list of New Year's resolutions, mostly because I know they won't be lasting changes. Like everyone, I'll do well the first week and grow tired of the change. The reason so many people give up so easily on resolutions is they aren't born out of a genuine desire to change. However, with each new day of the new year I'm realizing one area of my life I need to make some serious changes in.

Remember all the desserts you ate over the holidays? The chocolate chip cookies, whoopie pies, caramel popcorn, white chocolate fudge, candy, and any other type of dessert your family makes for Christmas/New Year's. Just think about them for a minute. We wait all year long to gorge ourselves over the holidays with honey-baked ham, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, and, again, any other type of food you traditionally eat. We overeat and over-stuff our plates with all the foods we deprive ourselves of during the year. We wait months to eat the coveted savories and sweet treats surrounded by family and Christmas trees.

If you can't tell where this is going, I'll let you in on the secret. Ryan and I's kitchen is completely filled with sweets from the holidays. Filled to the brim. The sweets are actually at such a height they tumble out the door when we have to leave. It's silly how many sweets we have.

We've already started trying to exercise more, making it our habit to run at least three days a week. After feeling bloated since Thanksgiving, I've made the executive decision we have to start making better decisions in our kitchen, which means we may also need throw away some of the sweets we have now. It's not helping matters that I sit in the house during the day with them calling out my name. I sit in the living room and hear a voice softly calling, "Jennifer..... Jennifer...." and upon following the sound I find it coming from the corner housing each individually wrapped delicacy.

The long and short of it is, readers, we have to get our sugar in check. Pray for us. We'll need it.

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