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Pen, Paper, Coffee

a blog by Jennifer Riales

Reality is a Kick in the Pants

I'm torn. Should I tell you about how wonderful life is in Virginia or about the two spiders and three centipedes I've encountered since we moved in or about the other night when our dog woke us up every 15 minutes to go outside to pee? That was a rough night.

I truly, deeply wish I could tell you our house is completely unpacked with every bed made, every dish in place and all clutter tucked away. I wish I could post pictures of a beautifully designed and decorated home.

But reality is not always perfect. Reality almost never lives up to our expectations, and it rarely leaves us without a taste of disappointment in the back of our mouths.

It's a concept we're all familiar with and one that we accept daily, reality is not the day dream. It hardly ever leaves us as the hero or coming out on top, winning the award, finishing first in the race, performing our absolute best for an audition, writing the most amazing combination of words we've ever written, and so on.

Reality has a way of kicking us in the pants while we're still trying to pick ourselves up off the floor from the last hit. I'm sure all of us have experienced this at least once in our lives. If you haven't, please tell me your secret, and brace yourself. Because your turn is coming.

I'm not writing this to scare you or discourage you. It's reality. It is the way it is, but we don't have to live in this reality. I live in the reality that this life is not all there is. I am not fighting the daily battle for only what my eyes can see here on this earth.

Because the reality is there is an eternal hope inside me. A hope reminding me of who I am, what I am worth, and the price that's already been paid for me. This hope's name is Jesus. I might be a few days late with this post, but in my opinion there is no day on the calendar we shouldn't be celebrating the emptiness of the borrowed tomb.

In a conversation I had with my mom recently she told me about a wedding shower she attended the weekend before. It was a small gathering and during the chatting several attendees began to share advice with the bride-to-be. The advice my mom gave this young woman is from a comedy show we used to listen to in the car by Mark Lowry which said, "This too shall pass."

I hope if you remember nothing else from this post that your remember this wise saying, this too shall pass. Although it is not from the Bible, it holds a wealth of truth for us today. Whatever reality you're facing right now will not last forever. It will pass in time, and while you're waiting for the relief of it's passing the Lord will be walking right beside you.

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