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Pen, Paper, Coffee

a blog by Jennifer Riales

Hi there. I'm Jennifer.

I'm so glad you've stumbled upon my blog among the many to choose from. Since childhood, writing has been a special practice for me to reflect on and process the things happening around me. It was a space for me to say and think whatever I wanted to without judgement or reproach and a place to fully express myself. I created this blog to use my passion for writing and the inky, written word to provide a safe place for you to land in the midst of hectic day or a busy week. I want this blog to be an encouragement to you and a place you can direct others who just need a break from the everyday. 


Family, School & Pets

Ryan, our dog, two cats, and I all live in Roanoke, Virginia, but are both originally from Memphis, Tennessee, where our family still resides. Ryan and I first met in high school, but didn't really know each other until after college. After moving back home from Mississippi State University in December of 2015, toting my B.A. in Journalism in my back pocket, I attended a young adult group at my local church and saw a familiar face. It took us a little while to reconnect, but by February of 2017 Ryan asked me to go out for a coffee with him at a small coffee house near our houses. The rest, as they say, is history. We were married very near New Year's of 2018 when I had only six months left in finishing my master's degree in communication.


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