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Pen, Paper, Coffee

a blog by Jennifer Riales

The Job Hunt is Over

Before I tell you anything about the good things happening in my life, let me apologize for my absence. Knowing there is no way to sufficiently express my sincerest apologies I’ll tell you what’s been happening in our life, which will, perhaps, atone for my error.

About two weeks ago I declined a job offer and had the immense pleasure of accepting a job offer. Even when I declined the first job offer (the first one I’ve received since I began searching for a job), a peaceful feeling swept through me. Someone wanted me and that made me feel like I was actually worth something in the job market. It was a verification that the Lord was working even when I couldn’t see it through the disappointment I felt. After spending a week here and continuing to learn the pace, duties, responsibilities, etc. of the job I’ve slept more soundly than I have the entire time I “rested” during the job search. In fact, my sleep has been so sound and restful that every night the first week of work I never stirred, even when Ryan had to take Oreo out to the bathroom at his new regular time at 5:30am. Actually, I slept right through them getting up to go out and only awoke when Ryan pulled covers back over himself to lay back down. Convenient, huh?

If you remember from a previous post, we’ve been living with ruined laminate floors for a little while now; as in, a couple of months. We had been waiting for the contractor who helped with the insurance estimate to contact us or whomever was going to replace the floors to get the ball rolling. We were finally contacted and within a week or perhaps even a few days had a date on the books to replace the floors, which happened to be my first day of work.

The floors look amazing, and you would never know it wasn’t real! We chose a vinyl option that is scratch-proof and waterproof, which with a dog and other messy, human inhabitants was an absolute must. Because it happened to fall on my first day of work when I felt like I just couldn’t ask off, Ryan graciously worked from home while the floors were put in. My sweet boss assured me later on that it would have been fine to take the day off to stay home with the floors, but in all honesty, I was too excited to get started to wait any longer than I already had. When I left in the morning I instructed Ryan to send me updates on the floor so I could see what it looked like as they put it in. The only photo I got from him was of what was underneath the old laminate.

It’s certainly dated, but how neat is it to find something like this where you thought all you’d see was boring concrete?

Alright, so, we’ve gotten the new job, we’ve gotten the laminate floors replaced, and what else was there? Oh, yes. The carpet with the faint smell.

The only thing left on the to-do list after the leak ruined the floors was to get the carpet cleaned in our bedroom where the water got underneath. This was the item on the to-do list whose delay had been bothering me the most, as it meant complete disarray and very near chaos in our bedroom. Not to mention, bumping my leg on the bed frame every night. I can live in a little bit of a mess, but only for a little while before it bugs me enough to do something about it. With the mess created by this, however, there was no reason to clean up or move things back to their proper place because we would only have to move them again when the carpet cleaners came. If you’ve never had to have your carpet cleaned before, just know they work very fast. They were in and out of our house in less than 30 minutes, although, they did arrive about 45 minutes early.

This week was the last session for the Women’s Bible Study I joined for this fall, and as I walked in for our last real session I was so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to meet and get to know the women in our group. I’ve so enjoyed our weekly meetings, hearing about their lives and loved ones, and learning about the book of Hebrews. Each week it’s gotten progressively harder to go to the bible study with a new job and just plain being tired at the end of the day, but without fail, each time I go when I had a moment of doubt earlier in the evening I am so glad I went. From the lesson brought by a sister in Christ or just getting a chance to relax circled up in our room, God has spoken to me very specifically through these weekly meetings. He’s given me encouragement from these ladies in times when I didn’t feel very close to Him, and hopefully, I’ve been able to share some encouragement too.

I’m hopeful that I’ll begin to get back into a regular writing practice once I settle into my job and we aren’t taking Oreo to Obedience training. Until then, dear readers, I’m thinking about you. I’m praying for you, whoever you might be and what circumstances you may find yours

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