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Pen, Paper, Coffee

a blog by Jennifer Riales

Pursuing Your Passion

This morning while I sat at the kitchen table I had a thought at the back of my mind that swirled in circles; around and around until it settled into a call to action. The rush of excitement from piecing together a news story, finding the perfect quotes to capture the essence of the story. Running all over town (or campus) for the interviews and waiting outside office doors. The joy of putting pen to paper, taking nearly unreadable notes that wouldn't make sense to anyone who looked over them.

Haven't figured it out yet? I'm talking about my time as a student journalist for the newspaper at Mississippi State University. I gained so much confidence writing for this publication where I learned I was good enough to be featured on the front page of almost every issue. As a college student, I had really found my footing at this place, and felt that I found a calling as well. When it came time to graduate from college all the confidence and growth I'd experienced writing and reporting for this outlet was squashed. I've talked about it before and this likely won't be the last time it crops up in a blog post. Fear. Plain and simple.

As I watched the real world coming swiftly into view it dawned on me that maybe I wasn't good enough to make it as a real journalist. I knew my journalism teacher and mentor wouldn't mince words or lie to me about my talent. She's too good to let you believe you're something that you're not. But what if this writing thing just wasn't for me? What if I couldn't handle the schedule of a journalist, which is often unstable and very flexible?

Writing is my passion. Writing is my strength. Writing is the skill I can say without a doubt or even the whitest of lies that I can do well. Writing is the one skill in a job interview I don't have to fib about.

Our passions come in many forms and you may even have more than one. It sounds cliche, but it's true; do what you're passionate about because that's what you'll do with the best effort and the most dedication to excellence. If you shoot lower than your passion by even a little bit you'll do yourself and those around you a disservice.

I hope in the years to come I'll be able to pursue my passion as a career, in one way or another. Actually, if we're hoping, then I hope it won't take years for this to happen. I hope it'll be right around the corner.

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