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Pen, Paper, Coffee

a blog by Jennifer Riales

An update on the garden, and the late night scare

I am sure you're all sitting just on the edge of your seat to know how the garden is doing. Am I right? I could just tell that was a question you all were asking.

When Ryan and I began, we planted banana peppers, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, zucchini, squash and cucumbers. The banana pepper plant was transplanted from our flowerbed to the little garden plot in the back corner of the yard. It produced about seven little banana pepper plants before drying up. The cucumber plant was the next to go. It grew up onto one of those tall, wire circles that usually have tomatoes growing on them. We got one short, stubby cucumber that never ripened quite right, and after it was picked off the plant died, too. The zucchini plant grew big and sprouted yellow flowers, which usually precedes the growth of vegetables; however, with our plant all we've gotten over the summer are the pretty flowers. The squash plant is the only one that has grown and produced vegetables fairly consistently. We've gotten several good sized squash from it, and let me just say, if you can manage it homegrown squash is the way to go. It tastes so much better than any store bought I've ever had.

Don't worry, I didn't forget about the other peppers. Mysteriously, the bell pepper and jalapeno peppers never sprouted from the ground. We know we have a lot to learn about gardening and growing plants. We decided too late to grow some of them. To successfully grow those types of plants, you're supposed to start them inside about 6-8 weeks before transplanting them into your garden. This summer was our trial run for gardening. Another issue we've run into is the internet cable Comcast put in our yard. Yes, you read that right. In the yard. The middle of the yard. Rather than run the cable along the easement of the property (as they're supposed to do it), they ran it right across the middle of the yard and closer to the middle of the garden. After they replaced the cut one from the beginning of the summer, they actually moved it more in the way in the garden than it was before. Our only real solution to this is to move the garden to a different spot in the yard, so when we have to till the garden again next season we won't risk cutting the internet cable again.

**Update on update on the garden: I always check to see if we have any new growths before I water the plants. When I poked around last evening I saw the tiniest little baby zucchini growing! I'm a proud plant mama.

Now that you're up-to-date on how the garden is doing (I know, very important stuff), let me tell you a funny story about two nights ago.

It was a normal night. Ryan and I may have gone to bed a little later than normal, but otherwise, it was just the same. We were laying in bed asleep when around 2:30 in the morning Ryan violently sneezed in his sleep, shaking the bed. His incredibly loud sneeze and the movement that came with it made the bed knock against my little nightstand, which threw almost everything off of it, against the wall and onto the floor. My lamp, glasses, phone, small bottle of melatonin and chapstick all flew into the wall. Just imagine being awoken by a slight earthquake and then someone throws something over your head against the wall. It was a bit of a shock. I'll admit that I actually screamed a little bit and covered my face with my hands. I wasn't sure what was happening for a few seconds before it dawned that the only thing that could have made that noise beside my head was my lamp.

After pondering the sneeze incident the morning after I realized my nightstand was sitting too close to my bed, just a hair's breadth from touching the bed frame. Why is that important? Well, when Ryan's sneezed rocked the world it also rocked my nightstand just enough to send those things to the curb. There's nothing like being awakened out of a dead sleep by someone yelling through a sneeze.

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