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Pen, Paper, Coffee

a blog by Jennifer Riales

A Morning Reflection

As I sat at the kitchen table, sipping my steaming cup of coffee, reading Psalm 8 from my Bible this morning I admit that I felt a little confused. Rather than having those stirring thoughts in my heart and mind, the thought running through my head was What should I be taking away from this, God? Usually, I like to read through the passage in the Bible first before reading any devotional that accompanies it because I like to see what God speaks to me without having help to guide me through it.

The passage was written by David, who marveled at the magnificence and awesomeness of God and reflected on the love He has for us. I've been using the First 5 app for my devotions, and if you're looking for one to use this one is pretty good. Everything I've read from it has been biblically based and had more depth of thought that some others I've used. After reading the devotion discussing Psalm 8 I had this realization about everything that Jesus experienced while He was here on earth.

"Jesus knew what it was to be hungry (Matthew4:1-2). He knew how it felt to be homeless (Luke 9:58). He felt the sting of rejection (John 1:11) and the sadness of death (John 11:34-35). Yet, Jesus had God on His mind (John 4:34)." (From the devotion written by Katy McCown.)

I'll let you in on a secret: I struggle with belonging. I have a hard time feeling like I belong somewhere or with a group of people. In many areas of my life I've grown very strong and tough, but in this one spot I'm very fragile. But I don't have to live my life searching to belong everywhere I go. I already belong. The important this is not where I belong here. It's to whom I belong. I belong to God.

I don't know how you feel or what you've dealt with in your life, but that statement is something God has been working on in me for a while. And it's so comforting to have this tucked away in my heart, so when I face that feeling of not belonging I just have to remember it.

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